Monday, July 26, 2010

Shopping Fast – Week One

On Tuesday of last week, I decided to embark on a 30-day “Shopping Fast” – no shopping for any clothes, cosmetics, books, music, etc for a whole month. (Only necessary grocery shopping allowed.) Why? Because I LOVE to shop! I love to shop early and often for all kinds of things. I especially love to shop if I’ve got a bargain in my crosshairs and a fist-full of coupons! Sometimes, when I love something a little too much, it can get out of balance in my life. When that happens, I’ve found it’s a good idea to practice a little restraint and self-denial (which is not very popular these days!).

For me, fasting from shopping for a month helps to reset my priorities (God, family, friends) and is an effective cure from “stuffitis”. When I feel like my material possessions are beginning to possess me, instead of the other way around, I know a fast is in order.

Week One of my Shopping Fast began with relative ease. Several days passed and I was busy with work and other activities, that I didn’t even think about buying anything. On Friday, at the grocery store, it was a little challenging to stick to my list and not buy anything unnecessary… like that cute pony tail holder on sale in aisle 17. Today was the worst day so far. My husband, Nick, and I have been “stalking” a particular recliner we want for our TV room, waiting for it to go on sale. Of course the “Cat Napper” recliner would go on sale on Day 6 of my 30-day shopping fast! One of the “Cat Napper” recliner models has a heat and massage function (drool!). I am slightly panicked that it will not be available for purchase in 24 days. What if it’s sold out?? What if it’s only available in some horrible color that clashes with our existing furniture?? Oh, the pain of delayed gratification!

I’m pretty sure I will survive another 3 weeks… I hope! Until then, I’ll be dreaming of reclining in my “Cat Napper”, getting a heated massage in front of the TV….


  1. Ha! I guess having Nick buy it (instead of you) would be cheating right! I do think the shopping fast is a great idea. You may inspire me to try it!
