Saturday, January 29, 2011

What to Do with Your Coupon Savings

If you begin to capitalize on the secrets of Coupon Queens, you will soon begin to save a good amount of cash! I have been couponing for less than three years now and I have saved about $15,000 in that time. Wow! That’s a lot of money! The first few months of my couponing I didn’t really have a plan for the money I saved. In fact, I blew most of it, which is what usually happens when you don’t have a plan.

You can leverage your coupon savings to drastically improve your family’s finances, IF you have a good plan for that money. There are several good things to do that found money. First, you should have an emergency savings fund for your household of at least $1,000. Why? This is your safety net that catches you when life happens (which it always does) – the car battery dies, the furnace goes out, you need to take your child to the emergency room for a skate boarding accident and have a $150 co-pay. Having that $1,000 emergency fund will give you peace of mind that you don’t have to charge your emergency to a credit card. Your ultimate goal should be three to six months of living expenses in your savings account. In this economy where layoffs are a real possibility, that’s a smart thing to do.

Did you know that you can make 18% on your money? How? By NOT paying 18% to the credit card companies! Once you have your emergency fund of $1,000 in place, it’s time to attack your credit card debt with your coupon savings. Many credit cards are charging exorbitant interest rates, which eat away at your income every month. So start with your smallest balance card and “attack” the little one first. This will give you a quick success and keep your momentum going. My husband and I are now debt-free, except the house – no credit cards, no car payments! Our next goal is paying off the mortgage, which should be accomplished in a year or two.

Now does this mean that you can’t have any fun with your coupon savings? Of course not! Allocate 10 – 20% of your coupon savings for something FUN for yourself – a treat from Starbucks, a manicure, a new bottle of perfume. This will be your reward for coupon clipping and bargain hunting! If you are already out of debt and have a three to six month emergency fund, save the other 80 - 90% for a bigger splurge! If you’re like me, you might have your eye on new Coach purse, a fabulous pair of shoes, or a tropical vacation! Put your coupon savings toward something that matters to you and your family.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Boycotting Black Friday?!

“Boycott Black Friday?” How could any self-respecting Coupon Queen say such a thing? Wait! I’m not suggesting that you boycott all those fabulous sales! I just want to present you with an alternative to fighting the crazy crowds. Here’s how my Black Friday is going to start this year…

On Black Friday morning, it’s 35 degrees outside, but I’m snuggled under my cozy flannel sheets. I roll over and look at my clock - it’s 9 AM. I yawn and stretch, flip the covers back, and shove my feet in my slippers. I shuffle to the kitchen, pour myself a cup of steaming coffee, and fire up the laptop. Sitting in my pajamas, with my cat, Little Tiny, curled on my lap, I am ready to start my Black Friday shopping – ONLINE! I think of my friends who have been awake since 3 or 4 AM. I wonder if they’re having fun searching for parking spots, waiting in half-mile long checkout lines, and watching normally sedate housewives wrestle over the last Harry Potter Lego set at Target with fierceness of a couple of cage fighters. I can’t say that I envy them… But haven’t I missed out on all the great deals? Heavens, NO!

I start by opening up my email and cruising through the Black Friday deals I’ve received in my In-Box. Most emails have great coupon codes for discounts and free shipping. Of course, I’ve done my homework scoping out the deals in advance (including checking the Cincy Savers site daily), so I already have an action plan of which websites I’ll be shopping, my Christmas list close at hand.

My first stop online is Fat, which is my favorite cash-back shopping website. (Some others are,, and Here’s how it works. First, I’ll sign into my Fat Wallet account and search for the website I want. Land’s, one of my favorite clothing websites, typically offers a 2% cash back reward, but is currently running a promotion of 4% cash back. Fat Wallet lists all of the current coupon codes available for Land’s End. I’ll click the link on the Fat Wallet site to connect to Land’s and do my online shopping as usual. 90 days after I make my purchase, my cash becomes available and I’ll transfer it to Pay Pal (or I can request a check be mailed to me.) Some websites offer more than 10% cash back! One of my favorites is and not just because I love shoes. They offer 10% cash back through Fat Wallet, generous coupon codes, plus free shipping and returns! Fat Wallet even has a Black Friday tab with all the best deals prominently listed. There’s a huge variety of website affiliated with Fat Wallet and the other cash-back sites. Here’s a small sampling: Old Navy, Wal-Mart, E-bay, Adidas, Crate & Barrel, Toys R Us… As you can see, there’s something for everyone on your list!

Don’t be dismayed if your favorite website doesn’t participate with a cash-back partner! There are still deals and discounts to be uncovered. Be sure to sign up on your favorite websites’ emailing lists so you’ll have an inside track to the sales and coupon codes. Some Coupon Queens find it best to set up a separate email address just for this purpose, so your regular email account isn’t swamped with advertisements. Also, be sure to check these sites for possible coupons codes:,, and

The great thing is that when you do your Black Friday shopping online with Fat Wallet or Ebates, you’re also giving yourself a gift! When the February blahs are creeping up on you, your cash reward will become available… So treat yourself to something nice, guilt free! As for me, I’ll be buying some shoes… through Fat Wallet, at, earning even more cash back for more shoes! (Yes, I know I should probably seek treatment for my shoe obsession.)

One final tip - some websites will be saving their best deals for Cyber Monday, on November 29th. Procrastinators, rejoice! Check out the upcoming deals at and Happy Shopping!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Art of the Cat Nap

I think we have lost the art of the cat nap in today’s society. We are always so busy, cramming activities into every last square inch of our schedule. My Nana used to take a cat nap every day around 2 PM. I remember visiting her house and she would say to my brother, Jim, and I, “I need you to play quietly now. Nana’s going to turn on her stories (soap operas) on the TV and cat nap on the couch.” Nana passed away in her mid-eighties, but she was a spitfire with an abundance of energy up until the last two years of her life, when she contracted cancer. I would dare say that she almost always had more energy that I did! I remember saying that I hope I have half as much spunk and energy as my Nana when I’m in my golden years. Have you ever observed a cat as it naps? I have two cats, Peanut and Little Tiny. They are relaxed and happy as they nap, frequently purring in their sleep. I think many of us, me included, would greatly benefit from a daily cat nap. I’m sure I would be less likely to snap at my husband or run out of patience with my co-workers. Maybe I need to create a nap space under my desk at work like George Constanza from Seinfeld… Actually, I think I may go take a cat nap right now!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Shopping Fast – Week Four

I’m in the home stretch! Two more days and I can shop to my heart’s content. But, you know what? I’m not all that anxious for my shopping fast to end. I kind of like how all the cash I’m saving is feeling in my wallet!

I did have a few weak moments in the last seven days, usually revolving around designer purses. For some reason I want a blue leather one for the fall. But then I consider the red Coach purse that I bought last year (at the outlet, with a 20% off coupon!), and I still think that one is fantastic. So maybe I will just make due with what I have.

Making due with what I have has been the theme for me this week. And I do actually have a lot to make due with! Most of us have more than enough in our closets, cabinets and garages, don’t we?

I’m reading an interesting book called, “The Cheapskate Next Door” by Jeff Yeager. The author said that none of the cheapskates he interviewed for the book suffered from “Keeping-Up-With-the-Jones” syndrome. I think many people, me included, get caught up in wanting what’s new & now, when we really don’t need most of it.

This shopping fast has helped to clarify what I need, what I want, and what I really want. And I will buy some things that I really want as soon as this fast is over.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Shopping Fast – Week Three

Everywhere I turn, there is a great end-of-summer clearance sale! Ugh! This is SO hard because I love getting good deals at end of season sales. Ten more days to go! I think I can make it!

I ran to Kohl’s on my lunch break one day this week to get a gift for my cousin’s baby. Of course, all of the baby stuff is at the back of the store which means I had to trudge past both the women’s summer clearance racks and the new fall clothes. Fortunately, the baby stuff is on the opposite side of the store from the shoe department. I don’t know if I could have gritted my teeth and pressed on past the shoes! Kohl’s has a great shoe department – cute styles and low prices, a little slice of heaven on earth! But I passed the test, and only bought the gift I came for.

What am I doing with the money I’m saving because of my shopping fast? Well, yes, I am saving some of it. I’m also making an extra charity donation this month because I know that I am richly blessed and there are many people in need. I’m also going to pay down some extra on the mortgage. Nick and I hell-bent on becoming debt free and the mortgage has got to go! So far we have paid off 1/3 of the balance in the seven years we’ve been here. That’s pretty good but we’d like to kick it up a notch and knock out the rest in seven years or less. Maybe if I do more of these shopping fasts, we can accomplish that!

I have also spent some time cleaning out my closets. I’ve got some things to take to Goodwill and some to give away to friends. If I haven’t worn something in the past year (including shoes!) it goes in the give-away pile. Before you think about how generous I am, just know that I’m partly doing this to make some room for the new stuff once my shopping fast is over. (Hey, I’m only human!)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shopping Fast – Week Two

I’m almost through week two of my self-imposed shopping fast. For those of you just tuning in, I am in the midst of a 30-day shopping fast. No shopping for clothes, shoes, books, cosmetics, etc for a whole month (only necessary grocery shopping allowed!). This week was definitely more challenging than last week!
After golfing with my Mom on Thursday night, I stopped at Target because they had Kashi brand frozen dinners, granola bars and cereal on sale, which we eat a lot of at my house. I avoided even glancing in the direction of the women’s clothing section as I entered the store. (I know there’s a cute t-shirt that was only $8 I would be sorely tempted to buy! I saw it in last week’s Target circular.) I marched past the cosmetics and books, straight to the food section. I tossed my Kashi items in the cart and high-tailed it to the check out. Whew! Disaster averted for now!
I was also tempted by the myriad of emails that I keep getting in my In-box from my favorite retailers: Chadwick’s, Express, Coach, and (my favorite!) Sephora. I try to delete them as soon as they come in… I love make up, so ignoring the Sephora emails causes me physical pain! But that’s the whole point of this shopping fast, to break the hold of “stuff” on me…
I’ve decided that when I see something I would like to buy on-line, in a catalog, or in a magazine, I will print the page or tear it out and put it in a folder. At the end of my shopping fast, on August 20th, I will take out the folder and see what I still really want to buy. I’m sure some things I won’t buy, since the “fever” for it will have passed. What’s in the folder right now? Brown suede Coach clogs, a plaid shirt from Victoria’s Secret catalog, a white shirt with embroidery from Chadwick’s, and Clinique moisturizer. I’m sure that folder will be pretty fat come August 20th!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Shopping Fast – Week One

On Tuesday of last week, I decided to embark on a 30-day “Shopping Fast” – no shopping for any clothes, cosmetics, books, music, etc for a whole month. (Only necessary grocery shopping allowed.) Why? Because I LOVE to shop! I love to shop early and often for all kinds of things. I especially love to shop if I’ve got a bargain in my crosshairs and a fist-full of coupons! Sometimes, when I love something a little too much, it can get out of balance in my life. When that happens, I’ve found it’s a good idea to practice a little restraint and self-denial (which is not very popular these days!).

For me, fasting from shopping for a month helps to reset my priorities (God, family, friends) and is an effective cure from “stuffitis”. When I feel like my material possessions are beginning to possess me, instead of the other way around, I know a fast is in order.

Week One of my Shopping Fast began with relative ease. Several days passed and I was busy with work and other activities, that I didn’t even think about buying anything. On Friday, at the grocery store, it was a little challenging to stick to my list and not buy anything unnecessary… like that cute pony tail holder on sale in aisle 17. Today was the worst day so far. My husband, Nick, and I have been “stalking” a particular recliner we want for our TV room, waiting for it to go on sale. Of course the “Cat Napper” recliner would go on sale on Day 6 of my 30-day shopping fast! One of the “Cat Napper” recliner models has a heat and massage function (drool!). I am slightly panicked that it will not be available for purchase in 24 days. What if it’s sold out?? What if it’s only available in some horrible color that clashes with our existing furniture?? Oh, the pain of delayed gratification!

I’m pretty sure I will survive another 3 weeks… I hope! Until then, I’ll be dreaming of reclining in my “Cat Napper”, getting a heated massage in front of the TV….