Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Art of the Cat Nap

I think we have lost the art of the cat nap in today’s society. We are always so busy, cramming activities into every last square inch of our schedule. My Nana used to take a cat nap every day around 2 PM. I remember visiting her house and she would say to my brother, Jim, and I, “I need you to play quietly now. Nana’s going to turn on her stories (soap operas) on the TV and cat nap on the couch.” Nana passed away in her mid-eighties, but she was a spitfire with an abundance of energy up until the last two years of her life, when she contracted cancer. I would dare say that she almost always had more energy that I did! I remember saying that I hope I have half as much spunk and energy as my Nana when I’m in my golden years. Have you ever observed a cat as it naps? I have two cats, Peanut and Little Tiny. They are relaxed and happy as they nap, frequently purring in their sleep. I think many of us, me included, would greatly benefit from a daily cat nap. I’m sure I would be less likely to snap at my husband or run out of patience with my co-workers. Maybe I need to create a nap space under my desk at work like George Constanza from Seinfeld… Actually, I think I may go take a cat nap right now!

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